Anyways, I have been quite productive on the knitting front. I'll try to post some here, avoiding those that will be gifted this holiday, although my readers number very few, some of those very few will no doubt be receiving knitted gear from me later this month.
My most favorite recent FO:
My fist Monkey Socks!
I'm really happy with how they came out. They're pretty, and super comfortable, and took me less than a week to make. I made the second sock in two days. I'm using real sock yarn now, so hopefully they'll stand up better than my Hederas, which are beginning to get a bit fuzzy.
I made a my first hat, with leftover yarn from the booties I made for Baby B, and gifted it to Baby M. Kindof a "we're all in this yarn together" thing, in my weird way.
Edges are a little bit curly, I hope the baby doesn't mind.
And my labor of love over the last few months, which I am proud to say was completed well before the baby shower, is the Moderne Baby Blanket for Baby B:
Really tough to get good pictures of this with my camera, but for scale, consider...well, it's huge. Each of the boards it's sitting on (there's 2) are 36" wide. Hopefully they won't loose the baby in it. But if they do, it should be a soft & warm place to be lost.
The pattern is in Mason-Dixon Knitting, and is apparently available for free if you go to their website. I looked for it, I couldn't find it, but if you have Ravelry, you can look it up there. Errata, should you get the pattern, is stangely not available on their website (?) but is available here. I would have done the edges differently, if I would have known how they would look - they look kinda like the wrong-side-out to me.
The Uncle Argyle Scarf from Son of Stitch n Bitch, for brother J. He won't read this, he does even know what a blog is. So it's safe.
Cool huh? Here's the catch:
Get it? It's reversible. Have you knit a reversible piece yet? Good times. Do not attempt while trying to pay attention to anything mildly interesting, except maybe an audio book you can kinda tune in & out of.
Was really challenging at first, but it's getting easier (I could almost watch hockey while knitting it last night). I also manually copied the chart onto graph paper, which allowed me to make myself notes in each friggin square to remind me what to do without constantly checking the key. I won't try how to explain it here, because even explaining it verbally is hard, but suffice to say that the key is opposite on every other row. And each square on the chart is actually two stitches. And it takes some paying attention. Did I stress that enough?
Overall though, I'm really excited about it, and I've given J & Ma permission to steal it from him if he doesn't wear it. I might just steal it myself.
Lots of other projects have been done, but for reasons mentioned above I won't list them here for the time being. Lots more to do too...and I've made a vow to knit all the yarn I bought at Stitches West last year before A & I go back this year. I think I have a month or two, shouldn't be a problem.
On a sadder note, my camera has died due to a sequence of unfortunate circumstances including humidity, sand, sacred birthing stones, and an untimely tumble off the back of the couch. Picture quality will be lower for a bit until I can rectify this. Please bear with me. On the other hand, the sand & humidity was totally worth it. And the bruise on my knee is fading.
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