So, I made a swift this weekend, when my Hedera sadly refused to use up only one skein of yarn. Tried a new method this time, normally I wrap the skein over my knees & roll the ball into my fingers. This time I used
this method, and involved the furniture as well:

Not quite the cake I was looking for, but the cost was right. Thanks, Knits with Balls guy!
On Sunday, I let the sock watch the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Yes, that's right, 3OT. It went to 4OT, at which point the sock was amazed, I mean, just look at those stats!

Unfortunately, the amazement gave over to the sock being shocked and horrified:

But the sock understands. And the sock is truly proud to have such an awesome goalie in our house.

See you in a few months, Nabby!
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